One of the leading researchers in the field of stem cell research, Professor Jan A. Nolta, Ph.D. is the director of the Stem Cell Program at UC Davis School of Medicine, additionally overseeing the expansion of the program, recruiting the best scientists and researchers to collaborate with and work in UC Davis. Dr. Nolta further directs the Institute for Regenerative Cures and the new Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), funded by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). After serving as the scientific director of Washington University School of Medicine’s Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) program, Jan Nolta transferred to join UC Davis in 2006 in their search for the stem cell cure. According to Citation 62, “Her laboratory used human hematopoietic, mesenchymal, and endothelial stem and progenitor populations to examine the recruitment of adult stem cells to areas of tissue damage in immune deficient mice.”
With more than 20 years of proficiency in the field of stem cell research, Dr. Nolta has been involved in a myriad of cellular therapy clinical trials, such as ones targeting Huntington’s Disease, peripheral vascular disease, and many more. Currently the Associate Editor of the International Journal Stem Cells, she has numerous, exceeding one hundred, additional works published and fifteen book chapters authored.
Her Bachelor of Science degree, Dr. Nolta received from the California State University, Sacramento. The sequel of her education was a Molecular Microbiology Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Additionally, Dr. Nolta studied UC Davis’s master’s classes and worked in the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital at a later time. Assisting a professor of the University of Southern California School of Medicine, Dr.Nolta was later appointed to the Washington University School of Medicine as an associate professor.
One of her latest projects includes the Jan Nolta Laboratory, whose main goal is to translate stem cell research cures from “the bench to the bedside.” Working closely with the director of the Good Manufacturing Practice Facility of the UC Davis Institute for Regenerative Cures, Dr. Gerhard Bauer, Dr. Nolta strives to aid researchers in acquiring approval from the US Food and Drug Administration and the Recombinant Advisory Committee for cellular therapies. The Jan Nolta Lab’s primary focus, however, remains the investigation for cures, through stem cell treatments, of sundry dreadful diseases, such as the Huntington’s Disease and the peripheral vascular disease.
Stem Cell Program Director at UC Davis